Just finished filming at POSH – a kick butt improvisational restaurant in Scottsdale, AZ.  Chef and Owner Josh Hebert was meant to be in front of the camera AND behind the counter. 

The beauty lies in the fact that a menu is non-existent!  You, the customer, eliminate what you don’t like from their daily list of fresh, local and exotic ingredients, choose the temperature at which you like your meats cooked (or none if Vegan of any ilk) and let the surprises begin!  Prices are based upon how many courses you’d care to indulge in, generally from 4 – 15 and wines are paired with each course.  It’s more of a tasting as the portions are perfectly sized so you get just enough, always wanting more, but not full.  I know the word  SATED!!

We feasted on the likes of lupe de mer in a fennel water, kangaroo with red coconut curry, new zealand lamb in plum sauce, popcorn soup, hirashi in a dashi broth, and their version of a twinkie with raspberries and lemon curd and a chocolate pate with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt.  Absolutely outstanding!!  Hats off to Chef Joshua’s entire crew, especially right side kick Zac (Malkovich) Zaun and Kirby, the lovely garde manger.

Hope I spelled everything right.  Oh, did I mention that we had wine???  www.poshscottsdale.com

