Category: Friends (Page 1 of 2)

Julia Wright: Wright Choice Promotions

Julia Wright, MAS, has been in the promotional products industry since 1993 and has earned her MAS certification. Master Advertising Specialist is the highest level of certification that is awarded by the Promotional Products Association International. She has helped all types of organizations – from large government offices to small start up businesses with their promotional product needs.

At Wright Choice Promotions we know that everyone would like save the earth, but the reality is that not everyone can afford organic cotton. As much as I would like to run my home on solar panels & leave no footprints on the earth, it is not yet practical. But I can reduce, reuse and recycle. In the promotional products world – I can help you select an item that your target market will use, appreciate and keep for years. It is not wrong to have a plastic widget. It is however, wasteful to have 50 of the same plastic widget or routinely discard plastic widgets. We look forward to serving you.

To learn more about Julia’s company and products, click here to visit the website

Savory Creations

Into the Soup is pleased to have Savory Creations as a Friend & Partner of our website. For a company focused on soup, we take stock very seriously. Heidi worked with their Savory Choice line of products for two months before deciding that they were the best alternative to home made stocks that she has found. We will be working with them in several ways in the future be sure to check them out yourself at you local grocery store or buy online by click here.

Capistrano’s Bakery

We are please to have a great partner like Capistrano’s Wholesale Bakery. We will be working with them to bring you the best content regarding one of our favorite foods, great bread. Check them out and look for their artisan breads at some of your favorite restaurants.

Village Coffee Roastery in Scottsdale

We used to live just down the street from The Village Coffee Roastery and still make the 40min journey to Scottsdale to visit from time to time.  It is one of the oldest independent coffee houses in Arizona and has a proud history of utilizing science and technology to develop its own premium coffee. Over the last decade the Roastery has experimented with the finest Arabica beans from all over the world, bringing out the natural essence of the region from which it comes. The atmosphere of the place is fun and comfortable. They showcase local talented artists, live music, free Wi-Fi and knowledgeable staff. Click here to visit the website.

Arizona Culinary Institute

Arizona Culinary Institute is everything one wants from a culinary school. Hands on, personal instruction from great and friendly chefs, small classes, a building built fromt he ground up as a culinary school in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. They focus on providing students a solid foundation in the classical culinary arts and we are proud to have them and a friend and partner of Into the Soup. To learn more about their outstanding program, click here.

Check out our Basic Cooking Technique features with Chef Glenn Humphrey and join Heidi and Glenn on Into the Soup on the Radio.

Cuisine of Arizona provides a wealth of restaurant information for the state of Arizona, Cuisine of Arizona is also an affiliate with Americas Cuisine where you kind find listings for quality restaurants all over the country.

Each  restaurant has an extensive profile. Before dining view the menu, get catering and banquet information, download a recipe or make a reservation. Please bookmark our site and return often. Click here to visit Cuisine of Arizona.

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