This one is for the late Chef Glenn Humphrey! This guy adored his tequila and a little bird told us that this was his fave! No cocktails here, just a sippin’ shot of this agave goodness and a bit of a beer back. We’re dedicating tomorrow’s radio show to him and we’ll share a shot and some stories. Cheers, Glenn!!
Category: Booze Clues (Page 6 of 21)

Weekly Whet Your Whistle ~ Caribbean Pain Killer
Hey there boys and girls! I figured I might as well make a comeback with a cocktail…what else? Back in my sailing and chheffing days, we’d holler out this phrase around Jimmy Buffet hour and it would get our guests rarin’ to go…”Anyone for blender sports?!” Yes, indeedy. This little classic from the Islands will affect you just as the name attests, no pain, mon! Have a great weekend, soupers!!
1 Part Pineapple Juice
2 Parts Orange Juice
1/2 oz. cream of coconut (or to taste)
1 1/2 oz. Cruzan Gold Rum
Freshly ground nutmeg
Now, you can blend this up if you like, but honestly it’s safer on the rocks. Once you’ve had a few of these hummers, you really shouldn’t be operating power tools.
Many of my best stories occur whilst sitting at a bar (yes, I’m known to do that on occasion) and this one fits the bill, to a tee. My latest and greatest tender of libations is John, from The Islands Hotel in Newport Beach, CA. My BFF and I were sipping on his “Black Crush” and he pointed out the fact that the caddie at the end of the expanse was 50 and gee, didn’t he look great?! My comment, “I can’t see that far and I’m not even 50!” The older gentlemen to my right chimed in, “Wow, you’re a pretty good lookin’ 60 year old!” That quip got a high five and laughs all around.
We had asked John to make us something “not too sweet, not too tart ~ with a little kick in it.” He called it a Black Crush, we renamed it the Juancoction. Although he didn’t give out exact measurements for this tasty little number, I think my weekly whet readers will be more than happy to play with this. Oh, and btw, I’m getting a new prescription for my eyes next week.
1/2 Cup Ripe Blackberries
3 mint sprigs
2 T. Simple Syrup
1 Oz. Raspberry Vodka
Club Soda
Muddle raspberries and mint with a little simple syrup. Add vodka and shake well. Pour a little club soda into a martini glass and strain the mixture into it. Garnish with a mint leaf and plop a big berry into the glass! Salud:)
With a catchy and suggestive name like “Blame it on Rio,” I knew there must be a story behind the “Celebrity Whet” this week that was submitted to us by Sean at Harold’s Corral, Cave Creek. A quick internet search turned up the IMDb page for the 1984 “classic” (get this) Blame it on Rio.
I thought I was quite the movie-buff (after all, the only person who calls me more than my mother is ‘Sharon’ at Blockbuster notifying me that my movies are late again), but some how, this little gem of a film slipped through my fingers. The brief synopsis I found on the ol’ “interweb” revealed the film’s clever plot: Two middle-aged men take a holiday with their teenage daughters in Rio where one falls for the other’s daughter. I searched and searched, but somehow a film of this caliber failed to win any awards.
Sean assures us that this drink (unlike the film of the same name) is a hit with even the toughest critics. It is one of the most popular drinks mixed-up by the bartenders at Harold’s and packs quite a punch. He cautions everyone to “enjoy them carefully” and of course we agree. So clean out your liquor cabinet and mix these up for some friends at home, or treat your favorite carnivorous DD to some of the yummy grub at Harold’s Corral.
“Whet your whistle on this”:
Blame it on Rio
- 1 part Southern Comfort
- 1 part Sloe Gin
- 1 part Amaretto
- 1 part Captain Morgan
- 1 part Bacardi
We’re in the land of lemons here in the Southwest, and while I love a fresh squeeze (of lemon juice) on a nice piece of salmon or in a lively risotto, there’s nothing more fun than making your own limoncello. This liquer of Italian origin has been enjoyed for over 100 years and is now making the front pages of your favorite food magazines. This zippy little nip can run over $50.00 a bottle…make your own for less than $8.00 and have a party!! If you start today, it will be ready by early summer…it’s worth the wait!! Buon Appetito!!!
2 750ml bottles of pure grain alcohol
The zest of 17 lemons
3.5 cups of white sugar
5 cups of water
Zest the lemons, put them in a glass one-gallon jar with the alcohol and let it sit for 45 days. Then mix the sugar and water in a pot and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Let the mixture sit until completely cool and then mix with the alcohol and lemon infusion. Let that mixture sit for 45 days. Then filter the mixture 4 times using #4 coffee filters. Bottle the liquid and put it in the freezer.
Believe it or not, I just completed a 6 mile hike in 3 hours! Sore – yep. Exhausted – you betcha. Thirsty and in need of reward ~ ABSOLUTELY!! Mardi Gras is just around the corner and I figured that the 3 ounces of fruit juice and garnish fulfills a portion of my daily fiber needs and the 4 ounces of rum will take the place of my ibuprofen. Now, all I need is a really cute bartender to deliver it to my recliner……
- 2 oz light rum
- 2 oz dark rum
- 2 oz passion fruit juice
- 1 oz orange juice
- juice of a half a lime
- 1 Tbsp simple syrup
- 1 Tbsp grenadine
- orange slice and cherry for garnish
- Squeeze juice from half a lime into shaker over ice.
- Pour the remaining ingredients into the cocktail shaker.
- Shake well.
- Strain into a hurricane glass.
- Garnish with a cherry and an orange slice.
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