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Welcome Fall!!!


As the little red line of mercury begins to head south, we relish in the crunch of leaves beneath our feet, long evening shadows and those crisp, clear mornings savored with a great cup of java. Whatever tickles your fancy during this lovely time of year, breathe deeply and inhale Autumn.

Residing here in the sunshine state with temps not dropping below 70 until after Halloween, things are a touch different, which is why I take a weekend road trip north to assuage my senses. My childhood in Northern Washington State was a different story entirely. Anyhoo, no matter where you may be planted, the Fall Harvest and all its’ delights can still be yours to enjoy.

This has been my most cherished time of since I was young girl. The hay was tucked away for winter, which meant we didn’t have to change the sprinklers for at least another 7 months; the fruits and vegetables had been put up and weeding was but a memory, and Sunday pick up football in the pasture was in full swing. Best of all, my mother would start whipping up her glorious soups, stews and casseroles; filling the house with savory scents of meat, rosemary, chicken and chili. Doesn’t take much more than that for kids to scream, “Is it dinner time, yet?”

Bring on your Dutch oven or Crock Pot; change up that fruity Sauvignon Blanc for a deep, velvety Cabernet or Syrah. Roasted root vegetables, thick, savory sauces and the anticipation of post-autumnal equinox holidays and celebrations are just a few of the reasons we’re so happy that the 4th quarter has arrived!

Autumn invites us back inside to create those dishes that strengthen our resolve to rake the leaves, to take a brisk walk on a chilly Fall evening, to forgive runny nosed kids playing outside without a coat; and, to thoroughly enjoy a crackling fire by which to warm ourselves surrounded by those we love.

So, dig out that cable knit sweater you can’t seem to part with, put on your favorite comfy jeans, light that fire and let’s get cookin’!

ITS Radio ~ MONSTER Mash-Up! John Conley, Jeff Kraus, Jennifer Caraway, Colby Emerson and Joshua Hebert!

JOy BUs 3

krauss teamJoshua Heidi

John Conley Heidi Emily

Check out this week’s mash-up show with just a sprinkle of begging! ?Listen today at noon on KWSS 93.9 FM ? or stream it on your computer! We re-visit John Conley of Fat Olives and Salsa Brava??, Jeff Kraus of the Crepe Bar☕️, Jennifer Caraway of the Joy Bus ? Diner, Colby Emerson or Josephine’s, and Josh Hebert of Posh and Hot Noodles?Cold Sake ?. You won’t be disappointed!❤️

Soup of the Week ~ Posole! The Vig, Arcadia


So, I won’t go into detail about this gorgeous soup except to say that Emily, Dani and I were fighting over the big pieces of meat and the hominy and the broth and…..we finished all of it!!

Oh, and this is directly from the Chef and I’m too tired to change it up for you. Make it the next time you tailgate and you won’t have to use your calculater.

2 Gallons Water
3 Onions, Chopped
1/2 Cup Beef Base
5 Quarts Pork Butt
1/2 Cup Chili Powder
1/4 Cup Minced Garlic
1/4 Cup Black Pepper
2 T. Oregano
1 T. Ground Cumin
2 #10 Cans Hominy
1 Cup Red Chili Puree
1 T. Cayenne

Mix water and beef case in soup pot. Small dice onion and add along with pork in 1 inch cubes and all the spices

Bring to a boil then simmer with a lid for 1 hour. Rinse hominy and add to pot for another 30 minutes. Serve with a little cilantro!

Weekly Whet ~ Bennett and Bubbles


So, this is fun! Apparently, this cocktail was named after Courtney Bennett and Damon Scott. It’s so yummy and I got a new nickname for Damon!!! Don’t have exact measurements, but I’m quite certain our libation lovers can figure it out! Happy Friday!!

Tito’s Vodka
Hibiscus Syrup
Rhubarb Bitters
Sparkling Wine
…and an edible flower. I prefer to put them behind my ear!!

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