Wow! What a rockin’ weekend!
Saturday and Sunday was the Robert Bland Culinary Salon where High School and College Students, as well as professionals competed in both hot and cold food categories. C-CAP students from across the State competed, as well as college kids from ACI, SCI and The Art Institute of Phoenix. Congratulations to all of our competitors – you did a great job! A few hours later a special party was held at the International Culinary Schools Art Institute of Phoenix for three students competitors on Iron Chef America premiere.
Tyler Burke and Julie Fiedler, both college students at the International Culinary Schools Art Institute of Phoenix, rolled the dice at the Culinary Salon and competed in the Professional category. Well hot dog for them, because Julie scored a Gold and Tyler, Silver.
For those of you who don’t know, cold food is a culinary technique whereby a cooked meal is cooled and then ‘dipped’ and or painted with aspic. It almost looks lacquered. Attention to detail is of the utmost importance. I’m not certain of all aspics (little word spin there) but each platter is supposed to represent 8 servings of a meal. So, if you’re serving 1 guest 8 peas, you’ll need exactly 64 peas on your platter. (please feel free to correct me on this, Chefs) This art requires lots of time, skill and dedication. Our competitors should be very proud.
Following Sunday’s competition and awards ceremony, we all made our way to the Art Institute to watch a very special television show. Tyler, Julie and another classmate, Catelyn Remick, were the first ever student team to compete on Iron Chef America! It premiered last night on The Food Network. I am so proud of them was honored to be a small part of this special night.
The “Kids” were pitted against Iron Chef Michael Symon and his two apprentices. Don’t think Iron Chef went easy on them; either. The secret ingredient wasn’t some sort of scary looking fish, or an unpronounceable cheese from Greece, or even pressed mystery meat! It was Balsamic Vinegar. Talk about a “what the heck ingredient.” I will tell you that these guys rocked it. And while they did not win, they pulled it off with style, grace and good cooking. The entertainment part wasn’t too shabby either.
I feel very fortunate to be able to call these young chefs my friends and their instructors, Chef Eric Watson and Chef Joe LaVilla are two of my favorite people and could not be commended highly enough for their devoted dedication to all of their ‘kids’.
Keep your eyes peeled for these rising stars!!
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