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Travel Journal: Siem Reap and Angkor

Words & Photos by David Lee

One of the great benefits of living in Singapore is the opportunity to take weekend trips to some of the most exotic locations in the world. One weekend, we jumped on a flight with our friends (and neighbors) and headed to Cambodia to tour Angkor.

Angkor had been on our list of places to see for a long time. It definitely one of the places everyone must see before they kick. One hear about places that have a mystical quality but few really live up to the hype. Angkor does.

Whether it is the incredible architectural design, the miles of detailed reliefs and sculptures, the architecture that makes the buildings look different almost every moment of the day, or just the shear volume of temples; Angkor is one of the great travel experiences.

For photo hounds, it is the kind of place that allows almost every photograph to be spectacular. Angkor Wat is the best known temple and is often the moniker given to the entire site. In truth, there are more than 200 structures over 77 square miles. Some of the most famous images associated with Angkor are from sites other than Angkor Wat including the faces of Angkor Thom and the temples of Ta Prohm which provide those unforgettable shots of trees breaking through and intertwining with the temple structures.

What we learned very quickly is that unless you are there to earn your archeology degree and can spend years studying every detail; you are not going to be able to truly appreciate Angkor entirely. So don’t try. There are simply too many temples. It is a bit like trying to visit all the cathedrals in Europe in a week. It overwhelms you while, at the same time, desensitizing you. The smart way to play it is to hire a guide who can listen to what you want and take you to the best places at the best times.

We also learned that the time of day that you visit a particular site is very important. Heidi and our friend Bev visited Ta Prohm in the morning while Sammie and I went in the late afternoon. The pictures and impressions of the site were almost entirely different. Angkor Wat itself is best in the late afternoon because of the spectacular, ever-changing show of color as the sun sets over it. Most of the other sites, with the exception of Phnom Bekang are best visited in the morning.

Phnom Bakeng is a fun site at Angkor that is special not just for its ruins but for the way people gather in the evening.  It is at the top of a small but rugged hill. Here one can climb up the steep side or elect to be carried up by elephant. Look out for the elephant traffic jams as there are often several going up and coming down at the same time. The scariest part for us was when a family had mistakenly decided to walk back down the elephant trail and got into the middle of small pile up. The father nearly got stepped on. They then wisely decided to walk back up and start down the path for humans (and monkeys).  Prohm Bakeng provides an over look for the entire Siem Reap area including a great skyline view of the Angkor Wat temple while you and about a hundred others wait for the sun to set. We went on the second day, but we recommend you go on the last evening of your visit to make it linger in your memory.


While Angkor is the great attraction in Siem Reap, there are a lot of other things to see. We had a great guide who suggested that after two days of touring temples, we get out and see some of the life around the city. Specifically, he suggested we visit a floating village near the banks of Lake Tonle Sap.

Lake Tonle Sap is a massive lake. During the rainy season, the Mekong River, in a great oddity of geography, flows backward flooding its tributaries and raising the level of the lake. This was occurring when we were there, so we viewed the floating village at its height. It was a great side trip not only for the glimpse of village life but also for the vast beauty of the lake.



The top off for the tour is the visit to a souvenir shop / zoo boat near the mouth of the river. Here travelers can find any goofy trinket they wish to buy. Just look out for the made in China tags. You will also find a vat of what  at first look like mad piranha but turn out to be hungry trout and a pit of 12-13 alligators (or crocodiles whichever are the smaller ones).

Another very interesting place to visit in Siem Reap is the Artists D’Angkor. It is a school where they bring in talented artists from rural communities and teach them a craft. Many of the people are handicapped or otherwise impaired. Their practice for developing their craft is to join an assembly line of mass produced Cambodian art that is priced well enough to allow the school to make a small profit. It is hand crafted and good quality and, more important, it is for a good cause.

Finally, if you have the money, we recommend the Raffles Grand Hotel D’Angkor. Suffice it to say, this hotel lives up to the Raffles name. Built in 1920, it is in the French colonial style and is more intimate than its sister in Singapore. The food is fantastic, the service is great, and the atmosphere is truly a unique experience. Unfortunately, we could not afford to stay there, but if you can afford it, you should. We stayed at the Le Meridian which is a bit closer to the sites at Angkor. It is a larger hotel and a bit disjointed, but the service was first rate and the rooms were comfortable, a great alternative for middle income folks.


About David Lee

David is Executive Producer of and Professor of Global Hospitality Operations at the Art Institute of Phoenix. He has lived and travelled throughout Europe, Asia, and Central America but is longing to go to Africa. David has been in the travel industry for 13 years with American Express as, among other things, Director of Global Airline Strategy for Asia Pacific and a Principal Consultant for the Advisory Services Consulting group. David led Business Development for with National Geographic and managed Leisure Tours Strategy at Sabre Holdings. He holds a Masters in International Management from Thunderbird, the School for Global Management and a Business degree from Washington University, St. Louis.

Why Do We Travel?

by Peggy Markel

Why do we travel? We want to escape. Learn. Relax. We want to experience life differently than the everyday. We want to take the time to nurture ourselves; alone or with loved ones, and meet strangers who don’t know anything about us at all. It’s a chance to get away from our habitual patterns; to experience new or hidden territory within, the great unknown and unexplored or just untended tender parts of ourselves in a fun way, reflected by a bigger world.

Something happens to me when I even think about traveling, something close to mischievous. My appetite swells, and I become ravenous for the road. An easeful smile comes over my face, when I think of who I will see, what I will eat and the general relaxed feeling a certain cultural atmosphere gives me. It’s like a massage of the senses. A total turn on. If I were to have an addiction, this I imagine, is what one feels like. Because if I couldn’t travel, I would feel…bound.

Of course, maybe not everyone loves traveling. The romance for the old days of exploration is hardly what it once was. Albeit treacherous, there was a sense of adventure exploring the unknown as the intrepid, unstoppable traveler. Now, we are dealing with a different sense of the unpredictable just to get places we already know are friendly.

Yet, the risk is not in getting on a plane. Although, it may seem so. The real risk is what it takes to say “yes.” It’s time for me to take some time for myself.

“As you strode deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do ~ determined to save the only life you could save”. (The Journey. Mary Oliver; New and Selected Poems Volume One, 1992)

A wise man (my former husband) would say, “find reasons to do things, not reasons not to do things,” whenever I was ambivalent about making a decision, which was often.  After a while, it started to sink in. I’m beginning to believe that being hesitant is part of being human. As if venturing out into the unknown still has the fear of the Neanderthal.

“Something is going to get me.” Rather than, “I’m going to get something.” In reality both is true. “I’m going to get it, if it doesn’t get me first.”

Anything can happen at any time. There are no guarantees. Life is uncertain. So what does that mean? Should we live in fear or should we live in courage? We are not living if we stay safe and protected or hold ourselves back. So, if we live with courage, what are we going to get? That’s the million dollar open-ended question. We don’t know. But at least there is the element of surprise. What’s behind door number one? We are a curious species. That’s how we made it as far as discovering fire. At least someone thought out of the box, used his or her creativity. Someone was motivated and more than likely…hungry.

How can we find ways to open ourselves up to the unexpected opportunities and connections that might take our life in a completely new direction? Trusting in this impetus to go, instead of looking for reasons to stay—whether it be timing or expense or hesitation?

18 years ago I decided that I wanted to take the leap and learn a new language. I was 35. It was a rather unexpected, high-pitched voice that came to me when I asked myself, “What is it that you really want to do?” And this voice just sprang from who knows where… “Study Italian!”

I questioned the voice, but paid attention the next day when I ran into a well-known Italian Professor quite by accident and I asked her if I could audit her class at the University. She agreed. One week later I was studying Italian.

At the same time, doors went flying open and red carpets were unfurling. From saying “Yes” to that, I took a trip to Italy that spring and on the first day, my business was born. Today, my life’s work has become holding the space for others to take journeys into new tastes and textures and ways of seeing. For me, traveling and connecting through food is what sets my inner gyroscope twirling like a dervish. I find home, a delicate balanced tender spot, keeping my seat while moving; not unlike meditation, where we stop to let the world swirl around us.

Having the possibility to be mindful, inside or outside, moving or still, is my idea of making the most of this life. Bringing more meaning into my belly not only creates more joy, it inspires me to be more alive and creative in the every day.

Conversations have more depth. My cooking has more to offer. My relationships are happier because I have tended to what moves me. I have more to give because I am rich with experience. I had a chance to shmooze with humanity, break bread, share a smile and remember what this living thing is all about: seeing our similarities, rather than our differences.

No longer questioning who we are, we “find our place in the family of things.”


To see Peggy Markel’s many Culinary Adventures: Connecting Cuisine Culture & Lifestyle

Click Here To View our Featured Culinary Trip: Tuscany – La Cucina al Focolare – Cooking by the Fireside

Peggy has provided a Morroccan Kefta Recipe for our Members. Check it out by signing in and Clicking Here: Recipe

About Peggy Markel

Peggy Markel is the Owner and Operator of Peggy Markel’s Culinary Adventures. In 1993, she started The Ligurian School of Poetic Cooking (1993–2000), with Angelo Cabani, master chef and proprietor of Locanda Miranda in Tellaro, a small village on the Italian Riviera. For the past 17 years Peggy has traversed the Mediterranean and North Africa, from Elban fishing villages and Moroccan markets to the homes of Tuscan artisans and chefs, furthering her own exploration of culture and cuisine. “For me, a connection to real food is a connection to life.” Peggy’s journeys help people explore the cuisines of Tuscany, Sicily, Morocco, Almafi, and India.


A Culinary Student in Lyon: Entry #2

Hi Soupers,

It has been about 2 weeks now since I have settled into Lyon. So much has happened, but at the same time, not enough.

One bit of drama that has put a damper on things is that my new roommate gave me a three days notice to move out! First, she tells me that she doesn’t feel comfortable with me because she hardly sees me, and she doesn’t see us being friends; then she tells me that she had a friend who just went through a break up, so she would need the room. This was a bit insane to me. I thought I was just over reacting, but when I discussed it with a few of my friends here, they all agreed.

So, I have been on the hunt for a new flat. I have still yet to find one because I only need it until September and my budget is limited. The places I have found say I am not here long enough or that I wouldn’t be able to move in for a month! 

At the same time, I am still trying to figure out where I am going to work for my internship which is why I came here to Lyon to begin with. I decided to do this because I wanted to separate myself from all the competition back home. I did not realize it was going to be so intimidating!

I mean, usually I am super positive about getting a job and really never worry about it. I get out here and it is a whole other story. First of all I had to get all my CV translated not just in language but in format as well. I was lucky enough to have a friend who would and could do that for me.  In France, they care more about the place you worked at and not so much what you have done.

Now that I have the translation done, I can start looking for a gig. I researched a number of restaurants in Lyon before I came out. That didn’t really help much. I mean, yes, it did help to know or have an idea of where I would like to work, but it isn’t the same once you get here. I hardly know any of the language. I have been learning a little more French each day, but not enough to have a conversation which makes it difficult to just walk into a restaurant to ask the Chef to allow you to do your internship there. Little did I know how nervous I would be. In the States, I would just send an e-mail or walk into a restaurant and ask for an application. I had no problem with it then, so why now? I think I just need to get over the fact that I am in a different country and just do things as I normally would.

There are two restaurants where I would love to work. One is Paul Bocuse’s restaurant. That would be a dream comes true. I have sent a letter to him and am waiting for a response. I’m not sure if I should go up there or not in person. I don’t want to seem like some pushy or rude American. The second place that I would love to work at is Leon de Lyon. I stopped by there yesterday, but they were closed.

I think I am intimidated by the possibility that a  top knotch, French Chef wouldn’t want some young American working for him. I know I shouldn’t think that all the French chefs are like this, but this industry can be really difficult to get into. You either have to be really special and have proven yourself, or you have to know somebody. I know that if I could just get my foot in the door, I would have no problem of proving myself to the Chef. I would show him my passion for learning the French cuisine.

Looking at all the things that I have said, it seems the only thing that is really making this difficult is the language barrier. I know that I need to get over everything else that is intimidating me, and I will. Now I am off to accomplish my goal of finding an internship in Lyon. The next time you read my blog I will be talking about my great experience at the restaurant I where I am working!

Au revoir,


To read more of my experience in Lyon, click here

DOD: with Katie & Julie Pita Jungle in Phoenix

Dining on a Dime:

So, this time out we decided to try something a little healthier and chose Pita Jungle in Arcadia for their happy hour. This is a place we come to often with friends especially the vegetarian ones. It isn’t often that you find tasty cuisine that’s not only healthy but reasonably priced. Pita Jungle was defiantly a score!

While we don’t usually go for chains, Pita Jungle is local to Arizona with 10 stores around the state and has the feel of a great mom and pop restaurant. The comfortable, friendly atmosphere makes it a great place to go for a casual dinner or lunch. Art work from local artists is displayed in the dining room and is available for purchase which is helpful in supporting the local community.

The cuisine claims to be the “art of healthy eating” with a Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influence. Tapas (small plates) are a great way to go if you want to get bang for your buck. You can try a variety of specialties for a cheaper price, and if you’re culinarians like us, you’ll want to try everything!

At happy hour (weekdays 3-5pm) an array of tapas are offered ranging from $1-$3 each. A glass of Chardonnay or Cabernet is also offered for $3.  You don’t get to pick which brand, but for that price who cares! The happy hour menu is displayed as a label on the wine bottle which is a fun way of presenting it. We both started off with a nice glass of their Chardonnay (Julie can drink legally now! Woo hoo!).

We really wanted to try everything but stick within our budget to our budget. It allowed us to try about six different plates including a trio of hummus – garlic, roasted red pepper, and jalapeño – with pita, tomato with mozzarella, balsamic, and basil, seared scallops in curry sauce, steamed mussels, sautéed mushrooms (def suggest these), and grilled chicken with lemon and pine nuts.

In consideration of our combined sweet tooths (or is it sweet teeth?), we ordered a slice of apple caramel pie with berry coulis and strawberries for dessert which most defiantly hit the spot.

We ended up getting out of there pleasantly sated for just under $28 including tip. Another success in our book! 


Pita Jungle, Arcadia

4340 E. Indian School Rd. (Indian School & 44th st.)
Phoenix, AZ 85018
602-955-PITA (7482)

For More DOD episodes click here.

Just Desserts

I have to admit that I’m not a big dessert eater. Not that I don’t enjoy a gorgeous crème brûlée  or yummy chocolate mousse; it’s just that within a limited daily caloric intake, I like to reserve my sugar fix for Chardonnay. 

Seriously, though, my dessert tastes tend toward those with fresh fruit.

I grew up in a farming community and at certain times, depending on the crop rotation, our neighbors grew fresh fruits. The hundred acre spread across the road did not have a fence, so my brothers and I would sometimes help him harvest his strawberries (I am sure if he knew, he would appreciate it). Add farm fresh cream and grandma’s shortcake recipe, and you’ve got the perfect finish to a country feast.

I have had the opportunity to sample many fruits in their natural environment. My first banana on the Island of St. Thomas was freshly picked along the beach. I had so much papaya during a road trip in Malawi that I can’t eat it any more. Trips to the Oregon coast yield bushels of blackberries and raspberries, and my best slice of iced cold pineapple was in Kauai, wrapped in wax paper… lovely.

One of my best memories about fruit and desserts took place on the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom and had more to do with serving the dessert than eating it. 

I was working as a waitress in a very nice restaurant called “The Red Duster.”  The building was older than Andy Rooney (15th century), very narrow hallways, with three floors consisting of large, uneven twelve inch planks.

The first floor was the bar and dining room. Up a narrow staircase on the second floor were the pitifully small kitchen and more seating. Finally, up an even narrower staircase was a small work room with a few tables and an ancient refrigerator that was very difficult to open.

The chef was challenged enough with the lack of space, so desserts were left up to the wait staff. Brits have a staple of cheese as their final course, but they also love their cobblers. Stone fruits (e.g. fruits with large pit s) were in season and our manager brought in fresh peach and apricot cobblers every night.These were kept on the top floor and were served room temperature with cold cream.

One lucky day, I was serving on the second floor and ran into an extremely sour individual at one of my tables. Upon hearing my accent he said, “So, are you Canadian or American?”

“American!” I stated proudly. 

His response, “Oh yuk!” 

Myths and urban legends aside, we servers do not routinely spit in our guest’s food.  I leave that little sweet spot to fate.  And so, the rest of the story.

My table ordered several peach cobblers, and I hustled up the stairs to plate them. I went to grab the cream, but I couldn’t get the bloody fridge door open, so I yanked on it hard. It flung open wide and a two quart pitcher of cream came careening out, hit the floor and spilled everywhere. 

While hastily sopping it up with a few towels a little voice called up the stairs, “Um, Heidi.”  I peeked over the rail and there was my little friend…..fate.

The cream had seeped through the floorboards. One of the other servers was holding a bowl over nasty anti-American man’s head while his wife tried to mop the dirty cream from his face. 

Now that’s just desserts!!

A Culinary Student in Lyon

Hi Soupers,

I’m  Coty Pate, and I am going to Lyon, France to do my Culinary Internship. At least I hope I am as I came here without a job or a place to stay really.

Not to provide too much detail, but I am a student at the International School of the Culinary Arts and part of our program is to do an internship in a working restaurant. I thought it would be fun to do this in France. After all, isn’t France the home of the culinary arts? It is a bit risky, but we will see.

Anyway, it has been a bit of trial getting here, but I won’t linger on that. Now, I am here and I am ready to study the cuisine and try all kinds of different foods. I will also be studying the culture and language and life in general. All along the way, I will be keeping you up to date on all my experiences.

I arrived in Paris last Monday and stayed in the city of love for a few days. I did not find love but I did try some great restaurants. The things they had on their menus at the common bistro or cafe are things that we would only find on menus at higher end “fine” dining restaurants in the US. Imagine if I went into a four star restaurant in France and found a Big Mac… maybe not.

In just a few short days, I had beef tartare, sautéed white sea bass, and andouillette and those were just my main courses. I have also had a variety kinds of amazing cheeses. Cheese is served at the end of the meal just before the dessert and as you can imagine, wine is quite common always.

I am not a grand speaker of French but I did learn a few terms in culinary school and can find my way around a menu. Still, when I get stuck the people have been very helpful. Not what I expected considering the reputation. Even when they don’t know English, they try their best to help me out.

On landing, I headed straight for the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. Neither disappointed! I personally loved Notre Dame. Cathedrals are chalk full of detailed work and history. No Esmeralda though.

France is generally easy navigate so far. I took the train from Paris to Lyon which only took two hours. It seemed to just glide across the tracks. There was so much scenery along the way. The rolling farm lands with creeks running through them and the Rhone Alps in the distance were a beautiful site.

The food in Lyon so far is more of “comfort” foods variety. One of my favorite dishes was a delicious salmon tartine served with a raspberry vinaigrette side salad. 

On Saturdays they have many different markets set up on the side of the streets. One is sponsored by Paul Bocuse (one of the finest chefs in France and, therefore, the world). They have all for food than you can image from sea foods, poultry, fruits and vegetables and a great assortment of cheeses many of which I have not seen or tasted before and look forward to telling you about. Paul Bocuse also has restaurant here which is actually right outside of Lyon. Not far at all and definitely worth the trip. He is world renowned for traditional French cooking.

Well, enough waxing. Got to get to work finding a job. Maybe Chef Bocuse needs an intern. I hope you will enjoy reading about my experiences, trials and tribulations as I make my way here in Lyon and tour Europe.

Au revoir,


To read more of my experience in Lyon, click here

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