Author: emily (Page 9 of 20)

The Weekly Whet: Springtime Sangria

Last Sunday, I spent the morning with some out-of-town friends at La Grande Orange, a local grocery and eatery here in Phoenix, AZ. The day couldn’t have been more beautiful. It was sunny, there ws a light, cool breeze in the air, and even though I wouldn’t normally consider the picnic table we were occupying to be “choice seating”, I wouldn’t have chosen to be anywhere else. We enjoyed our brunch over a pitcher of Sangria (which probably had something to do with making the bench bearable), and I smiled to myself as I realized that Spring is finally here.

Springtime Sangria

Serves 6 (Six Cups)

  • 1/2 cup brandy
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup frozen lemonade concentrate
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1 (750 milliliter) bottle dry red wine
  • 1/2 cup triple sec
  • 1 lemon, sliced into rounds
  • 1 orange, sliced into rounds
  • 1 lime, sliced into rounds
  • 1/4 cup white sugar (optional)
  • 8 maraschino cherries
  • 2 cups carbonated water (optional)


  1. In a large pitcher or bowl, mix together the brandy, lemon juice, lemonade concentrate, orange juice, red wine, triple sec, and sugar. Float slices of lemon, orange and lime, and maraschino cherries in the mixture. Refrigerate overnight for best flavor. For a fizzy sangria, add club soda just before serving.

St. Patrick’s Day Recipes: Irish Coffee and Irish Chocolate Tapioca Pudding

The  main dishes for St. Patrick’s Day are easy; Colcannon and Corned Beef and Cabbage are always winners, but what do you serve for dessert? You could just grab a box of those ridiculously sweet supermarket cookies with the green sprinkles, but why spend the evening in a sugar coma? We recommend trying these lovely alternatives from our friends at Robert Rose.

Irish Cream Coffee


  • 1⁄4 cup  cold brewed espresso coffee
  • 1⁄4 cup  chocolate ice cream
  • 3oz        Irish cream liqueur

1.)     In blender, on high speed, blend coffee, ice cream and Irish cream liqueur until smooth.

2.)     Pour into an old-fashioned glass or a coffee cup.


Irish Chocolate Tapioca Pudding


  • 1⁄4 cup    tapioca pearls (see Tip below)
  • 21⁄2         cups milk, divided
  • 6oz          bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 2              eggs
  • 1⁄2 cup    granulated sugar
  • 1⁄4 cup    Irish cream liqueur
  • 1⁄2 tsp    vanilla
  • Boiling water
  • Whipped cream

• Works in a large (minimum 5-quart) oval slow cooker
• Lightly greased 6-cup baking dish


1.)    In a bowl, combine tapioca pearls with water to cover. Stir well and set aside for 20 minutes. Drain, discarding liquid. Transfer to prepared dish.

2.)   Meanwhile, in a saucepan, heat 1 cup of the milk over low heat just until simmering. (Do not boil.) Remove from heat. Add chocolate and stir until melted. Pour into prepared dish and stir to combine.

3.)    In a blender, combine eggs, sugar, the remaining milk, liqueur and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Pour into prepared dish and stir well. Cover with foil and secure with string.

4.)    Place dish in slow cooker stoneware and pour in enough boiling water to come 1 inch up the sides of the dish. Cover and cook on High for 21⁄2 to 3 hours, until a toothpick inserted in the center of the pudding comes out clean. Stir well.

5.)    Serve warm or cover and chill overnight. Top with a dollop of whipped cream.



Don’t confuse the tapioca pearls called for in this recipe with instant tapioca, which is often sold under the Minute brand. Instant tapioca has been thoroughly precooked and would become unpleasantly mushy if soaked then cooked for a prolonged period of time.

 Irish Cream Coffee Recipe:

Excerpted from 400 Blender Cocktails by Andrew Chase, Alison Kent, Nicole Young © 2006 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Irish Chocoate Tapioca Pudding Recipe:

Excerpted from Sensational Slow Cooker Gourmet by Judith Finlayson © 2008 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.


Recipe of the Week: Greek Meatballs with Tzaziki and Zesty Tomato Mint Dipping Sauces

Apparently the food-event gods just weren’t feelin’ the FatAzz Meatball Contest this year. Who knows–maybe they figured they’d save their “naughty calories” for the Scottsdale Culinary Festival? Unlike the event gods, we were REALLY jonesing for some delicious meatballs. Luckily, our good friend and chef Basil Vasilarakos, heard our hungry cries and cooked up some of the best meatballs we’ve ever had! Thanks for the good times and delicious meatballs, Basil. You’re a winner in our hearts:)


Yield 42 Meatballs

2 lbs.      80/20 beef, ground

½ lb.       lamb, ground

½ lb.       80/20 pork, ground

½ lb.       chicken livers, pulsed until fine (not paste)

2 tbs.     kosher salt + 1 tsp. (reserve for flour mixture)

4 tbs.     Cavender’s seasoning

½ tbs.    ground black pepper, fresh + ½ tsp. (reserve for flour mixture)

1 cup     whole milk

4 oz.      lemon juice

3 large   eggs, slightly beaten

35          saltine crackers, crushed until course

6 oz.      mizithra or parmesan cheese, grated

1bunch  parsley, cleaned, dry, chopped, with some stem

3 tbs.    mint leaves, dry

4 large  garlic cloves, minced

5          green onions, cleaned, minced

1½ cup  flour

1 cup     Olive Oil, not extra virgin, or Vegetable Oil


In a large mixing bowl, or in an electric mixer, place all ingredients EXCEPT the last two and the reserved salt and pepper, and mix until well-blended (about five minutes by hand or three minutes by machine.)

Combine flour and remaining salt and pepper and mix well.

Using a #24 scoop (1 and 1/3 oz. volume), scoop full and level portions of the meatball mixture onto a sprayed/oiled sheet pan.  Roll the meat portions into balls or ovals and lightly roll in flour.  Place on sheet pan.

Heat a large skillet or sauté pan on medium heat.  Add oil and continue to heat for two minutes more.  Add the meat balls until pan is full but not crowded.  Cook until browned and turn meatballs. Continue until meatballs are nicely browned on all sides and cooked through.  Cooking time is approximately 15 minutes.  Continue same procedure with remaining meatballs.

Transfer to a platter lined with paper towels to drain grease.  Transfer meatballs to a serving bowl or platter.  Serve hot, warm, or cold.

Can prepare eight hours prior to serving for best favor.

Serving suggestions – slices or wedges of lemon, chopped parsley, green onions, and serve with Tzatziki and/or Zesty Tomato Mint Sauce. (See Below)



Yield 14 oz.


½ cup     Greek-style yogurt

6 oz.       sour cream, full fat

1 ½ oz.   Extra-Virgin olive oil

2 med.    cucumbers, peeled, seeded, grated, pressed dry with cheesecloth

1 oz.        lemon juice

⅓ tsp.      black pepper, fresh ground

2 tbs.       dill, fresh, chopped

1             green onion, minced

1             large  garlic clove, minced


Mix all ingredients together.  Refrigerate minimum four hours before serving for best flavor.

Mix again just prior to serving.


Zesty Tomato Mint Sauce

Yield 14 oz.


2 tbs.     vegetable oil

4 tbs.     yellow onion, minced

2               bay leaves

1 tsp.     kosher salt

½ tsp.     black pepper, ground

1 tsp.     crushed red pepper

½ tsp.     cumin, ground  

½ tsp.     cinnamon, ground

1 tbs.     mint leaves, dry

1            large garlic clove, minced

8 oz.      rose or white wine

1 tsp.     sugar, granulated

15 oz.     can tomato sauce

2 tbs.     tomato paste

3 tbs.     parsley, chopped

2 tbs.     lemon juice


Heat oil over medium heat in a heavy sauce pan.  Add onion, salt, pepper, and bay leaves, cook for about two minutes or until onions are soft.  Add crushed red pepper, cumin, cinnamon, mint, and garlic. Stir.  Continue to cook for about 2 minutes.  Turn heat to high.  Add wine and bring to boil.  Continue until liquid is reduced by half.  Reduce heat to medium.  Add tomato sauce and tomato paste.  Stir with whip until fully blended.  Turn heat to low.  Simmer for twenty minutes on low heat.  Add parsley and lemon juice.  Cook three minutes more then pull off heat.

Remove bay leaves before serving.






The Weekly Whet: Shamrock Shooters (Shammy Shooters)

by Logan Purser

Ok, so I love this holiday. It’s an excuse for my kin and me to get piss-drunk, make a scene, and be loved the more for it. My standard go-to on this day is always Murphy’s or Guiness with Jameson chasers. If im feeling squirrely, and generally I am, we’ll do some Irish Car Bombs which are by far the most popular drink of the day. However. if you’re not into all that heavy beer, here’s something I came up with last week thats pretty freaking delicious, easy to make, and wicked strong.


1oz Baileys
1oz Green Creme De Menthe
1oz Irish Mist 

Shake indredients with ice and strain into a shot glass. Garnish with some shaved dark chocolate on top. It tastes like melted mint chocolate chip ice cream!! Takes me back to my childhood, though I don’t have to sneak these like I used to 🙂

For a true, “Vig” cocktail, visit Logan at:

The Weekly Whet: Take Bethany Home

by Logan Purser, Beverage Coordinator of The Vig and The Vig Uptown

So when I think of Greek food, I think of bright, fresh fruits and veggies…OR luxurious mustaches and domineering woman. Our signature cocktail “Take Bethany Home” is the perfect compliment to Greek dishes. Made of Karpoozi (Watermelon) puree and Organic Ayyoupi (Cucumber) Vodka it blends well with the rich and flavorful cuisine of Greece. 


2 oz Crop Organic Cucumber Vodka
1 1/2 oz Organic Watermelon Puree (Blended and strained watermelon)
1 tsp Organic Agave Nectar

Combine all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake til it hurts. Serve in a martini glass garnished with a cucumber wheel.

For a true, “Vig” cocktail, visit Logan at:

The Vegetarian Cook’s Bible: Asparagus Three-Cheese Burritos

These burritos are a great way to enjoy fresh asparagus in season, but steamed or blanched broccoli and other vegetables step in as a replacement at other times of the year.

 Asparagus Three-Cheese Burritos

Serves 4

• Preheat oven to 375°F

• Baking sheet, lightly oiled


  • 1 lb asparagus
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1⁄3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1⁄4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • 3 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 4 large, soft flour tortillas
  • 2 cups tomato sauce
  • 8 fresh thyme sprigs, optional


1. Trim tough ends from asparagus and discard (or freeze for vegetable stock). In a large saucepan, bring 6 cups water to a boil over high heat. Drop asparagus into the water. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes or just until tender. Drain and let cool.

2. Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine ricotta, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses, thyme and oil. Add salt and pepper, to taste.

3. Spoon about one-quarter of the cheese mixture into center of a tortilla. Spread to within 1⁄2 inch of the edges. Divide asparagus into 4 portions. Lay one portion in the center of tortilla. Fold in bottom and one side and roll the tortilla around the asparagus allowing the tips to extend out the top of burrito. Repeat with remaining tortillas and filling.

4. Place burritos seam side down on prepared baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 12 to 15 minutes, until heated through.

5. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, heat tomato sauce over medium heat. Transfer burritos to serving plates and spoon about 1⁄2 cupof the sauce over top each. Garnish with thyme springs, if using, and serve immediately.

Excerpted from The Vegetarian Cook’s Bible by Pat Crocker © 2007 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Click here to purchase this week’s cookbook: The Vegetarian Cook’s Bible by Pat Crocker




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