Hey Soupers!!

Hey boys and girls!

First of all, my apologies for being completely absent for the last 10 months. A few things occurred which took my time and attention away from all of you. Some good, some great, some shit! But hey, let’s focus on the good and great…that’s more fun anyway!

So, I moved from Phoenix to Flagstaff last December and for the next 4 months I cuddled up by the fire, read some good books, rested, regenerated and fell in love with our little cabin in the woods. Keith (Flagstaff as you might remember him) and I got ‘married’ on October 8th. We decided not to let Big Brother in on the secret, but we exchanged rings and vows and roasted a pig in our honor!!

Two days later we loaded up the belongings of our little cabin in the woods and headed North and West to Wallace, ID. “What the hell is in Wallace, ID?”, you might ask. Well, we bought 1313 Club Historic Saloon & Grill…that’s what’s in Wallace! Not to mention a super group of people who have welcomed us with open arms and mucho support. It’s so fricking cool you guys!!

Anyhoo…I’ll start posting again soon through our soon to be new website and would like to invite you all to join us there. Let’s start with Facebook https://www.facebook.com/1313Club/. If you could give us a like, that would be awesome.

Hope to see you all there and thanks so much for your support. I (still) LOVE MY JOB!

Peace Out,


YO! 2016 Here!

 Remember this picture from last year? I sure do. All of you wishing me well, cheers to me, “The New Year”! How soon we forget.

So much of what I’ve been seeing and hearing out there is how I let you down; how totally shitty I was and that you are more than excited to boot my butt outta here and hand over the baton to my successor, 2017! What the hell, people? Just 12 short months ago, you held me in the same hopeful esteem of ’17; I was ecstatic to start my reign with your new hopes, new dreams, new starts….all because of the last tick of the clock. A New Year! 8760 minutes later, I’m exhausted!

Yea, I know there was a lot of nasty stuff that went down the past 52 weeks and it wasn’t pretty. The continuation of war around the globe devastates; poverty, famine and horrific atrocities against both man and beast baffle the mind. Blind eyes turned, and cheeks did not move. New spite grew and old hate reared its’ ugly head. Much has been lost: loved ones, friends, and allies. For some, the deepest loss of all…..was hope.

But think for a moment of the wonder which occurred within the last 365 day tour around the sun. Love was discovered, babies were born and grateful parents were made! Old friends were found, new ones unearthed. The art of discovery is alive and well, people took stands and won. Good deeds were done. The intense desire to be grateful is making a comeback….I believe this to be true. The ability to receive with grace and thankfulness is within your reach every day!

Our beautiful planet will continue to skirt around the sun, the clock will continue to tick and the years will come and go. But it’s not about the centuries, the years, the months or the hours. It’s about each and every minute you strive to be your best human! Spend time with those you love, be loyal, give back and not only embrace hope, but share it with those who need it most!

In closing, try not to put too much pressure on my BFF, 2017, she’s a gentle soul. I’ll be watching for the next month or so as you curse my name when you sign anything with ‘2016’. HAHAHA!!! Karma’s a bitch. Just kidding. I love you all and hope that this New Year brings you great joy, love, laughter and peace.

Take care of each other. Take care of yourself.

Pharewell, Phoenix!!!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “Life’s a trip. Pack accordingly!” Metaphors aside, I’m literally packing up and taking a permanent trip…Flagstaff beckons!

Damn, I’m gonna’ miss that microphone! Bittersweet is far from my favorite taste combination and with that being said, ‘into the Soup’ on KWSS 93.9 will air its’ last show on Saturday, December 3rd. Every minute behind the mic has been a joy! To have been afforded the opportunity to spend time with the eclectic, intelligent and supremely inspiring guests we’ve had on the show has been a dream and a fricking hoot!! We shared a few Weekly Whets, some snacks and some Soup, and our passionate pursuits in this amazing sand box called culinary.

My life has been nothing but interesting and I intend to keep it that way. In fact, I don’t think I can help it! Boring is not a word that takes up much space in my vocabulary. It’s been a wild ride and I will continue to seek new adventures and knowledge. I will strive to give back to my community in any way I can alongside a man who has stolen my heart and shown me that love and a new life are possible! I’m so very happy!

Heartfelt thanks to the team at KWSS 93.9 for their overwhelming support and confidence in what we do! Frank Magarelli and Dani Cutler ~ you are da’ bomb! We will truly miss being a part of this independent radio family! To my daughter, Samantha, who encouraged me to get back into radio because, “Mom, you just love it so much!” To all my friends and colleagues who shared in the joy and opened their doors, their hearts and let us in! To our 12 listeners….thanks so much!!! (That’s an old joke!)

Finally, to my beautiful Rockin’ Radio Redhead, Emily King! My job was easy, I just looked to her for the greenlight and started talking! She put it all together to make it sound unmistakably, into the Soup!!

I’ll still be popping down to the Valley of the Sun to lend my hand to C-CAP! So, just in case Emily can squeeze me in, we may be putting a few podcasts together….never say never! Never stop dreaming, never give up! Take care of each other, take care of yourself! This is Heidi Lee…peace out!

Soup of the Week ~ Chef Jeremy Pacheco’s Kabocha Apple!


If velvet could actually be licked and swallowed, this is the soup that would fit the bill!! Pretty sure we all uttered the phrase, “It’s so velvety!” Then, we inhaled it!! It’s quite simple to make and you’ll be thanking Chef Pacheco for this beauty for years!

Kabocha Apple soup
Yield: 1 quart – 5 portions

Kabocha squash, seeded 1 lb
Apple, skin on, no core 8 oz
Shallots, julienne 3 oz
Chicken stock 3 cups
Meyer lemon oil 1/2 cup

Season the squash and apple with salt, black white pepper and olive oil and roast at 325 for 25 minutes. Sauté the shallots in olive oil. Add the roasted squash and apple. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Blend in the vitamix adding the meyer lemon oil. Rectify seasoning if necessary.


Guancialle – small dice 1 oz. (otherwise known as face bacon. if you can’t find this, use pancetta)
Pumpkin seed – roasted 5 pieces

For each serving: Render diced guanciale, place guanciale and roasted pumpkin seed in bottom of bowl. Pour soup over the top.

Weekly Whet ~ Apple Pie! Lon’s at the Hermosa


Well, how appropriate (and segwayish) is this drink on this day!! The epic rivalry in the State of Washington is set to begin shortly….THE APPLE CUP! WSU Cougars (my almamater) and UW Huskies…ewww!!! Jeremy Pacheco brought this taste sensation to the table and Emily and I downed ours in seconds. Perfect concoction for the Holidays. If Uncle Bob happened to late night gorge on all the leftover apple pie, just let it go and make one of these instead!

Apple Pie ~ The Cocktail

½ oz fresh lemon juice
1.5oz Caskwerks Distilling Apple Pie Liquor
½ oz Bourbon
½ oz Cinnamon syrup
2 dashes AZ Bitters Lab’s Figgy Pudding Bitters
Shake/strain into a martini glass
Grate cinnamon on top for garnish

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